Digital Technology
Explain how your skills in the creative use of digital technology developed over time. - Refer to a range of examples from your media productions in your answer.
Digital technologies have had a huge influence on media production over the last few years and since I started in year 12, I have learnt a massive amount about how to use them and also the benefits of using them. They have had a big impact on the quality of our finished products.
Internet: This is where we can access blogger so that all of our coursework is available to us. For the coursework tasks, we used the internet to research and gather all of the information that we needed.
We used the blog to create blog posts on where we are at with our music video, what planning and research we have created.
We had to find out information on similar artists and their websites and social medias, digipaks, other related songs and videos that match our them and inspire us. also, three out of four of our presentations technologies were internet based, this meant that we relied on the internet in order to complete our tasks.
Adobe Premiere- With this I had zero experience at first when I started in year 12 and I have now moved on to basic editing to then more complex editing, effects, transitions and sound manipulation. This software is quick and easy to use, it allows you to be able to upload something quickly and securely which you can then edit and add many animations and effects to. we were given some ground footage which we were told to edit, we felt it was good to learn to edit first rather than film first as we felt that this would benefit us more. We then went on to create a copy of a scene from 'Juno', with this we had to learn how to film from all different angles, we then put this onto premiere and edited it. With this task we learnt how to add titles onto the screen and also how to use certain effects. We then moved on to a prelim task which involved creating a video around the school, once we had gathered our footage we had to put this onto premiere and begin to edit. For this we had to ensure that all of the shots matched together and also that the transitions were smooth, this was our first proper task on premiere therefore we all had a go at editing. After finishing our prelim task,we went on to make our real film opening. This was where we had to make sure that all of the footage was of good quality for example filmed well so no shaky hands, we also wanted to make sure that
it was a striking video for our audience. Again with this task we had to add many titles and effects onto the video. The final task of year 12 was the prelim task for our music video, for this we had to copy an artists original music video, this meant that as a group we had to choose a song which we all liked and then also a song which one of us felt comfortable to perform. We chose 'live forever' by Noel Gallagher, when editing we had to ensure that we used the same effects and shots that were used in his own video, therefore we had to learn new things such as colour correction this was because we wanted to make sure that the video was a perfect match.
The first task of year 13 was banana phone, this task enabled us to expand our effect skills. For example, we learnt how to do cloning, use different colours, rewind and many more effects. We then moved onto our lip sync task this was when all of the people in our group had to perform the song that we had chosen to do, this was to decide who the performers were going to be for out music video which was the next task, this task helped us to start to learn how to match our lip sync's to the song which is something that is vital. The final task was our music video,we used many effects with this software, we uploaded footage over many different days and added and deleted when needed. We had to ensure that our lip sync matched the song therefore we had to remove the sound of the original footage and add on the song which we were using for our music video, this enabled us to be able to match it up so it was perfect, we were able to stretch out the footage to tiny milliseconds which really helped us when trying to perfect our video. We used techniques such as speed, this meant that we could speed our footage up to give an interesting effect, we also used fading in and out this meant that our transitions from shot to shot were smooth and also intriguing because they weren't just straight cuts which can become boring for the viewers. One effect we used throughout our music was ‘three-way colour collector’ we used this so our video would have a pink tint over it throughout. This was as our main colour theme was pink and so this would fit with the synergy of the group with the website and digipak. We used a three-way clone shot so all three of the girls were coming down the slide simultaneously. Then we used colour contrast over each clone shot just with different levels so each clone shot was a different colour. We used a four way split screen for this part of the video. This was done by layering 4 shots at the same time just cropping each shot to the same size (using the crop tool) and moving each shot so all 4 fitted on the one screen together. However, the timing was key as each shot was put in one after another after each beat. The transition into this split screen shot was the ‘cross dissolve’. We also used ‘track matte key’. This was used so that when text was included over the video it was layered over the video so where there was text you could not see the video behind the text. But to include the effect we wanted we then flipped this so the video could only be seen through the text and the rest was one colour. The text we used was ‘Vanilla’ to show the group name.
Social Networking Sites- These allow you to communicate with a wide range of people all over the world. Social networking sites are great, the main reason being because they are free to use,this means it is free marketing for your products. We used social networking sites to gather information on our audience, to upload our video, to upload information about ourselves as a band for example behind the scenes of shooting, images of ourselves filming or just generally having fun and this was also a good way of gaining feedback from our target audience for example by doing things such as survey monkey's and polls to find out their thoughts. We created many social media pages for our band Vanilla, this was because we felt that this was the main way of communicating with our target audience. We created a Facebook page, an Instagram page, a snap chat and a twitter page, on these social media pages we made sure that we posted pictures and information of us doing things that related to the video, for example pictures of us in our outfits or videos of us at a certain location. By doing this it allowed our target audience to see what we were up too and also we felt that it was important to do in order to keep them interested and following us.
Digital technologies have had a huge influence on media production over the last few years and since I started in year 12, I have learnt a massive amount about how to use them and also the benefits of using them. They have had a big impact on the quality of our finished products.
Internet: This is where we can access blogger so that all of our coursework is available to us. For the coursework tasks, we used the internet to research and gather all of the information that we needed.
We used the blog to create blog posts on where we are at with our music video, what planning and research we have created.
We had to find out information on similar artists and their websites and social medias, digipaks, other related songs and videos that match our them and inspire us. also, three out of four of our presentations technologies were internet based, this meant that we relied on the internet in order to complete our tasks.
Adobe Premiere- With this I had zero experience at first when I started in year 12 and I have now moved on to basic editing to then more complex editing, effects, transitions and sound manipulation. This software is quick and easy to use, it allows you to be able to upload something quickly and securely which you can then edit and add many animations and effects to. we were given some ground footage which we were told to edit, we felt it was good to learn to edit first rather than film first as we felt that this would benefit us more. We then went on to create a copy of a scene from 'Juno', with this we had to learn how to film from all different angles, we then put this onto premiere and edited it. With this task we learnt how to add titles onto the screen and also how to use certain effects. We then moved on to a prelim task which involved creating a video around the school, once we had gathered our footage we had to put this onto premiere and begin to edit. For this we had to ensure that all of the shots matched together and also that the transitions were smooth, this was our first proper task on premiere therefore we all had a go at editing. After finishing our prelim task,we went on to make our real film opening. This was where we had to make sure that all of the footage was of good quality for example filmed well so no shaky hands, we also wanted to make sure that
it was a striking video for our audience. Again with this task we had to add many titles and effects onto the video. The final task of year 12 was the prelim task for our music video, for this we had to copy an artists original music video, this meant that as a group we had to choose a song which we all liked and then also a song which one of us felt comfortable to perform. We chose 'live forever' by Noel Gallagher, when editing we had to ensure that we used the same effects and shots that were used in his own video, therefore we had to learn new things such as colour correction this was because we wanted to make sure that the video was a perfect match.
The first task of year 13 was banana phone, this task enabled us to expand our effect skills. For example, we learnt how to do cloning, use different colours, rewind and many more effects. We then moved onto our lip sync task this was when all of the people in our group had to perform the song that we had chosen to do, this was to decide who the performers were going to be for out music video which was the next task, this task helped us to start to learn how to match our lip sync's to the song which is something that is vital. The final task was our music video,we used many effects with this software, we uploaded footage over many different days and added and deleted when needed. We had to ensure that our lip sync matched the song therefore we had to remove the sound of the original footage and add on the song which we were using for our music video, this enabled us to be able to match it up so it was perfect, we were able to stretch out the footage to tiny milliseconds which really helped us when trying to perfect our video. We used techniques such as speed, this meant that we could speed our footage up to give an interesting effect, we also used fading in and out this meant that our transitions from shot to shot were smooth and also intriguing because they weren't just straight cuts which can become boring for the viewers. One effect we used throughout our music was ‘three-way colour collector’ we used this so our video would have a pink tint over it throughout. This was as our main colour theme was pink and so this would fit with the synergy of the group with the website and digipak. We used a three-way clone shot so all three of the girls were coming down the slide simultaneously. Then we used colour contrast over each clone shot just with different levels so each clone shot was a different colour. We used a four way split screen for this part of the video. This was done by layering 4 shots at the same time just cropping each shot to the same size (using the crop tool) and moving each shot so all 4 fitted on the one screen together. However, the timing was key as each shot was put in one after another after each beat. The transition into this split screen shot was the ‘cross dissolve’. We also used ‘track matte key’. This was used so that when text was included over the video it was layered over the video so where there was text you could not see the video behind the text. But to include the effect we wanted we then flipped this so the video could only be seen through the text and the rest was one colour. The text we used was ‘Vanilla’ to show the group name.
We used a ‘light leak’ transition over this shot with the
a ‘cross fade’ going into the shot and fading out of the shot. We then used another clone shot of the three girls simultaneously
coming out on small toy tractors then we duplicated the same shot but reserved
it so it shows them coming forward then going backwards.We added over the shot a transparent effect but this was
only slight so the shot isn’t fully transparent. This outs the pink filter over
the top by using the circle tool. We did this so we could fade out the colour
slightly and blur out the edges.
Social Networking Sites- These allow you to communicate with a wide range of people all over the world. Social networking sites are great, the main reason being because they are free to use,this means it is free marketing for your products. We used social networking sites to gather information on our audience, to upload our video, to upload information about ourselves as a band for example behind the scenes of shooting, images of ourselves filming or just generally having fun and this was also a good way of gaining feedback from our target audience for example by doing things such as survey monkey's and polls to find out their thoughts. We created many social media pages for our band Vanilla, this was because we felt that this was the main way of communicating with our target audience. We created a Facebook page, an Instagram page, a snap chat and a twitter page, on these social media pages we made sure that we posted pictures and information of us doing things that related to the video, for example pictures of us in our outfits or videos of us at a certain location. By doing this it allowed our target audience to see what we were up too and also we felt that it was important to do in order to keep them interested and following us.
YouTube- This site enables you to be able to communicate and broadcast whatever you wish to the world. By using this site, we were able to research existing and opening sequences and music videos. This was the best place to find music videos and songs which inspired bus to create our own music video and also to help us with things like certain shots, transitions and also we were able to research special effects which helped us to make our video stand out and look professional.
Hardware- In year 12, we used a Sony HDR digital camera for filming, we used this for our Juno task, our film opening and our music video prelim. These camera were easy to use and also allowed us to easily upload the footage. Camera: The camera we used for the construction of our music video was an Iphone 8+. We used this as it had extra features to the camera then the standard video camera provided by the school. However, we had to buy a mobile phone compatible tripod stand to ensure that the camera work was at a high quality.
Hardware- In year 12, we used a Sony HDR digital camera for filming, we used this for our Juno task, our film opening and our music video prelim. These camera were easy to use and also allowed us to easily upload the footage. Camera: The camera we used for the construction of our music video was an Iphone 8+. We used this as it had extra features to the camera then the standard video camera provided by the school. However, we had to buy a mobile phone compatible tripod stand to ensure that the camera work was at a high quality.
The iphone 8+ had a secondary 56mm-equivalent “telephoto”
lens system and you could also use the 28mm-equivalent wide-angle lens for
photographs which were the added features that we used. We used these features
for the multiple photoshoots which took place.
This was useful as by using the phone we could easily switch
between shooting videos and photos with the same high quality and as it is
portable we could easily change between the different shots when filming that
we used throughout our music video.
A lot of this is good. Say Juno opening scene because that was going to be your main task, animation effect in Juno. What did you learn from the editing of your prelim? You need to talk a little more about your film opening, the split screen and slightly dodgy sound etc so you can learn from it. What about digipak and website? This essay is probably more suited to your post production question. Where are all the presentational techniques that you used?